Agile Implementation

NerdWallet - 2020-2021

Problem Summary

Design teams had misalignment with partners because of a lack of agile implementation, training and buy in. This created limited work visibility, sliding timelines, and ineffective communication.

Action Plan

Start with why. Conducted a listening tour with internal and external stakeholders. Evaluated current practices, understood not only what we were currently doing, but where current practices may have value.

Ideation. Led managers, Program Management, and other stakeholders to identify needs and develop a training framework, reporting, work standards, and a rollout plan.

Pilot. Implemented team by team in a phased roll-out. Ensuring buy-in, but more importantly employee engagement before proceeding with additional complexity.

Iterate. Continue to evaluate and evolve. Adapting both as employees increased process maturity, but also as business needs evolved.


8 hours weekly saved in data tracking for key employees - removing need for additional FTE.

Full visibility into all design work, with rollups by function, cost center, project, manager, and business unit.

20% reduction in production cycle time