Tech Stack Review

NerdWallet - 2021/2022

Problem Summary

Over the years, Design and User Research tools have continued to grow, but haven’t kept up with organizational needs for security, privacy, or management - and also haven’t been reevaluated for ROI.

Action Plan

Start with why. Dug into current tool usage, stakeholders, and teams. Worked with IT, Finance, Legal, Privacy.

Ideation. Tool by tool, and in many cases process by process, thought about what we needed, wanted, and how we could get there.

Test. With low priority tools, renegotiated contact terms, and implemented new tool management in Okta and approval processes for Design and other impacted departments. Decommissioned out of use tooling.

Iterate. Prioritized rollout, and tool set. Systematically reset license terms and contracts. Expanded to enterprise support tools that had company impact and dependancies.


Deprecation of 4 tools

Cost reductions exceeding 10% of technology budget for renewed tools - savings exceeding $200K annually.

Automated new employee onboarding/offboarding reducing IT and Management dependancies.