Job Architecture

NerdWallet - 2021

Problem Summary

The Design Organization had a defined job architecture, however it was not consistent in it’s standards across functions (Product Design, Brand, Content Strategy, User Experience Research). There also was an opportunity to align to organizational performance review standards, to allow for more transparent and frequent feedback.

Action Plan

Start with why. Analyzed existing job architecture as well as solicited input from People Ops, and Design managers. Reviewed application of architecture against existing employees for gap analysis. Compiled “hopes, dreams, and needs” of current managers and employees.

Ideation. Reviewed internal and external architectures, conducted brainstorming sessions with management. Developed framework.

Test. Created draft framework, and socialized with front line managers, and People Ops. Repeated employee analysis to stress test framework and ensure alignment and consistent application.

Iterate. Rolled out new architecture in staged approach, including the creation of training materials, videos, supporting documentation, and workshops for employees. Adapted semi-annually to organizational changes.


1 Framework across 4 Design Functions

Clarity for managers and employees on job expectations, and how those expectations translate into performance and annual reviews.

Reduced management friction during calibration meetings, established clean career progression for employees.