G&A Rebuild

NerdWallet - 2020/2021

Problem Summary

A significant gap was identified between internal Design and G&A processes and relationships. Opportunities existed in all areas of operations, spanning from financial forecasting, to technology integration, to recruiting practices, contract processing, and people ops. These opportunities created slowdowns in operational processes that had consequences for product development, resulting in revenue loss, attrition, and overruns in contracts and tools.

Action Plan

Start with why. Met with G&A partners with an initial focus on relationship building, and authentic and mutual communication. Developed framework outlining different functions, dependencies, and interactions.

Ideation. Hosted group meetings with G&A and key design stakeholders, developed flowcharts showing revised processes, circulated with stakeholders.

Test. Implemented new contract processes as first iteration. Setup monthly resourcing meetings with G&A stakeholders and design leadership to monitor.

Iterate. After IPO, changed some processes to meet requirements of public corporations. Evolved processes as organization scaled, utilizing new relationships and meeting cadences to quickly pivot to new challenges.


Reduced contract review from 6 weeks to 8 days.

Maintained monthly, quarterly, and yearly Budget to Plan variance under 5%.

Maintained monthly, quarterly, and yearly Forecast to Plan variance under 2%.

Addressed 40% IC vacancies within 90 days.